In which Annie (high school teacher, mother of two young girls and a younger boy) and her aunt Deborah (children's bookseller, mother of two young women in their 20s) discuss children's books and come up with annotated lists.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Joy of sprinklers

Dear Aunt Debbie,

This morning, I collected my gorgeous, time-consuming pile of end-of-semester portfolios.  I have some terrific guest bloggers lined up to help me get through the grading load; expect the first one on Friday.

In the spirit of your excellent post on beach books, here's how we spent Memorial Day, beating the heat in an NYC sprinkler:
Good times, even without the sand.  Makes me wonder if there's a subgenre I don't know about: books on the city kid's sprinkler experience?

More on books soon.

Love, Annie


  1. Aw, great picture! Hooray for summer!

    Can I submit a blog request? :) We're taking our two-year-old on a couple of trips this summer and I'd love some thoughts on books for that age about New York City and San Francisco in particular. I'm getting the two ABC New York books you recommended a while ago; I wondered if there was anything else that could help get him excited about what we might see in each city. (For instance, he loves this Paris Hide and Seek book we have, but we're not planning on taking him there anytime soon!) Annie, you once mentioned that you have a lot of NYC books, so I was curious if any of them are particular favorites (especially for, say, Isabel right now). :)

    No worries if not, though! Good luck with your grading, and we can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks! :) Yay!

  2. Hi Tui!

    We've written about a few other NY books on the blog (links can be found in the larger list of "Place-specific books" on our "Picture Books" page):

    I Live in Brooklyn, by Mari Takabayashi
    The Man Who Walked Between the Towers
    Dodsworth in New York, by Tim Egan

    Isabel is a big fan of I Live in Brooklyn, and I am all for you reading it to Jonah, as it will make him want to come see us in Brooklyn. Dodsworth is really for slightly older kids -- Isabel doesn't totally get the plot, but she loves reading it anyway. Many landmarks included, though some of the geography of where Dodsworth goes is iffy.

    The Mermaid Parade is also good for Coney Island-related subject matter, but it may make him want to see the parade itself (this year, on June 23).

    On San Francisco, I've got nothing. Aunt Debbie?
